Budget and Performance Program Unit


  • Prepare a detailed financing program within the framework of budget principles and rules determined by legislation, and ensure the allocation of funds to relevant units considering service requirements.
  •  Mevzuatı uyarınca belirlenecek bütçe ilke ve esasları çerçevesinde, ayrıntılı finansman  programı hazırlamak ve hizmet gereksinimleri dikkate alınarak ödeneğin ilgili birimlere gönderilmesini sağlamak.
  • Conduct development work on performance and quality criteria:
    o  Develop performance and quality criteria in areas within the administration's scope of duties and fulfill other tasks within this scope.
    o  Collect, analyze, and interpret information and data on the administration's management, service improvement, and performance.
    o   Evaluate the compliance of the administration and/or units with the defined performance and quality criteria and present it to top management.
  • Coordinate the preparation of the administration's performance program and carry out activities to consolidate the results.
  • Coordinate the preparation of the administration's investment program, monitor implementation results, and prepare the annual investment evaluation report.
  • Carry out budget transactions and maintain records.
  • Collect, evaluate, and report data on budget implementation results, including the Annual Corporate Financial Situation and Expectations Report, and generate preventive measures to address issues and enhance effectiveness.
  • Execute and finalize tasks and transactions related to the administration's affairs and operations that require follow-up and involve subordinate units with other administrations.
  • Provide necessary information and consultancy to the top executive, department head, and spending authorities regarding the implementation of relevant legislation within the framework of the unit's duties.
  • Ensure coordination in the preparation of performance program preparations.
  • Prepare the budget.
  • Prepare detailed expenditure and financing programs.
  • Execute budget transactions and maintain records.
  • Prepare allocation sending documents.
  • Carry out revenue accrual and follow-up processes for income and receivables.
  • Ensure coordination in the preparation of investment program preparations, monitor implementation results, and prepare the annual investment evaluation report.
  • Report budget implementation results.
  • Monitor and evaluate the alignment of administration activities with the strategic plan, performance program, and budget.
  • Conduct the administration's financial affairs and operations with other administrations and finalize them.
  • Provide necessary information and consultancy to the top executive and spending authorities regarding the implementation of other legislation related to financial laws.
  • Perform other tasks assigned by the top executive in financial matters.


 ​Contact :

Job Title Telephone Fax
Budget Transactions (0212) 285 3961
(0212) 285 3003
